My LinkedIn Learning Course is Online

For anyone involved in the Internet of Things (IoT), a basic knowledge of electronics is essential.

My first LinkedIn Learning course is online since this week, and as you might recognize from the title, it’s in German: Die Grundlagen der Elektronik verstehen und den Arduino digital und analog steuern – Tutorial zu Arduino

Last year, before Corona and the lock down started, I was preparing for the course. At that time I could use the time on the way to and from work. There was also a date scheduled for the recording. But then the world changed. Fortunately, it only shifted for me and didn’t changed completely. After the uncertain became more certain and the abnormal became normal, I could concentrate on the course, and a new date for the recording was set, but this time in the basement. There I spent two weeks of my “vacation”.


Now it is online and it was a new experience. Sometimes it was exhausting, but looking back it was also fun … and did I already say, the course is online 🎉.