Jekyll Syntax Highlighting

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Highlight.js supports over 180 different languages in the core library. There are also 3rd party language plugins available for additional languages. — How to use highlight.js

In my previous blog post I added a BASIC source code, but it was not highlighted. In this case, the ‘highlighting’ is a light blue background color. The same is true for Dockerfile source code. In this case, I chose ‘text’ as language and highlighted the source code. I don’t want to use ‘text’ for all unknown languages and I also want some syntax highlighting 🎨 depending on the language. Therefore I take a closer look at highlight.js.


highlight.js supports 189 languages and 91 styles at the moment. It is easy to integrate into Jekyll. I have added the following lines to the _include/head.html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/highlight/github.css">
<script src="/js/vendors/highlight.pack.js"></script>

The most complicated part was figuring out which style to select. I chose the GitHub style. For the programming languages I selected on the Download highlight.js page all Common languages and the following Other languages:

  • Dockerfile
  • Lisp and Scheme
  • OCaml and ReasonML
  • OpenSCAD
  • Prolog

There is a list of all Supported Languages. There are more languages I will write about in the future, and for these I need the appropriate syntax highlighting …