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Welcome to my new blog. The old one (blog.choas.net) doesn’t exist anymore and was really old. It was a self-written blog software with semantic aspects, where a word could have some meta information like name, description, URL, tags and some links to other words.

With this blog here I will stay normal. By the way, in 5 years someone will look at this blog post and find out that there were a few more blog posts and that’s it - until I come up another one … blog post lifecycle 😄

What’s about

This blog is about interesting things I find on the internet and I think it’s worth writing some sentences. These could be something about programming, machine learning and other buzzwords. Maybe also about SAP Leonardo, where I’ve written a book Machine Learning mit SAP Leonardo and created the sap-leonardo npm package. For job related stuff I write here.


I use Jekyll which “transform your plain text into static websites and blogs”. I don’t need a dynamic system. I need something where I can write some text and then transform it. This allows me to use e.g. Ulysses at public transport to write something. Github also supports Jekyll on their GitHub Pages. Jekyll allows the integration of third-party comment systems, but why should I hope for one useful comment between all those spam comments? If you want to reach me, just write me on Twitter (DM is open at the moment).

Let’s start …